My profile 2.0

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

The My profile page displays the user information for the currently signed-in user.

To view your user profile:

  1. Click Main Menu ().
  2. Click the My profile link.

My profile features

The My profile page includes a user’s contact information, roles, notification settings, and password reset.




Click to edit the My profile information. For more information, view Editing My profile.

First and last name

The first and last name of the current user.


The email for the current user.

Important: The email address is the username. For more information, view Email (username).


The language preference of the current signed-in user. Click the dropdown arrow to select a different language.

Signature block

The Signature block allows a user with the pathologist role to add a signature, including their name and credentials, to the bottom of a completed report. For more information, view Adding or editing the signature block.

Last login

The last time the current user signed in to the application.


View the role and permissions for the current user. 

Important: Only an administrator can change a user’s role and permissions.

Notification settings

Click the checkbox to enable the desired email notification. An enabled checkbox is blue with a white checkmark. 

Uncheck the checkbox to disable the notification.

Note: All notifications are sent to the user’s email listed in their profile.

Change password

Click to change the password. For more information, view Forgotten password.

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