Adding, editing, and deleting company information 2.0

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

Add, edit, and delete elements within the Company information, branding, scans filters, worklist filters, API client, hematology settings, and object border settings sections. 

To access the Company information page:

  1. Click Main Menu ().
  2. Click the Company information link.

Edit company information

To edit information in the Company information section:

  1. Click on the name, address, contact first name, contact last name, email, phone, or objects displayed per classification to edit the current information.

    Note: The number entered for objects displayed per classification becomes the default number of images/objects displayed for each classification on the Gallery view page. The suggested default number is 50.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow and choose a new country, time zone, or language.

    Note: The selected language becomes the default language for any new user added to the company.
  3. Click Save.

    Important: Navigating away from the page without clicking Save cancels any changes you may have made.

To add or edit a company logo:

  1. From the Company information page, scroll down to the Branding section.
  2. Click Edit ().

    Note: You follow the same steps, whether adding a logo for the first time or updating an existing one.
  3. Click the Upload link.
  4. When the file selection dialog opens, select a file and click Open.

    Important: A logo cannot be larger than 48px high and 220px wide, with a maximum file size of 2MB. You must use the .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, or .svg file formats.
  5. Click Done.

To delete a company logo:

  1. From the Company information page, scroll down to the Branding section.
  2. Click Edit ().
  3. Click the Remove link.
  4. When the Remove logo confirmation dialog opens, click Yes.

    Important: Clicking anywhere outside the Remove logo confirmation dialog or clicking on No exits the dialog without deleting the logo.
  5. Click Done.

Adding or editing FUSE integration information

  1. From the Company information page, scroll down to the FUSE integration section.
  2. Click the Create FUSE ID link. The system will automatically create a FUSE ID with the option to copy it.

    Note: Only specific roles can access this feature.

Add a VRL ID configuration

  1. Click Main Menu ().
  2. Click on the company for which you want to enter the VRL ID.
  3. Click Edit ().
  4. Scroll down to the VRL configuration section.
  5. Enter the ID number and name of the reference lab you want to add.

    Important: A blank VRL configuration, by default, sends all tests to the Zoetis Virtual Lab (ID: 485).
  6. Choose which lab you want to make your preferred lab. 
  7. Click Save.

    Important: If you exit the page without saving the changes, the VRL override ID will not be set.

Adding an object border setting

  1. Scroll down to the Object border settings section from the Company information page.
  2. Click Add border default.
  3. When a new Border default listing opens, select an Object type from the dropdown menu, a border color from the color selector, and enter a width.
  4. Click Save.

    Important: Navigating away from the page without clicking Save cancels any changes you may have made.

Editing an object border setting

  1. Scroll down to the Object border settings section from the Company information page.
  2. Click on the Object type dropdown to select a different object type.
  3. Click on the color square to choose a different color.
  4. Click on the Border width field to change the border width value.
  5. Click Save.

    Important: Navigating away from the page without clicking Save cancels any changes you may have made.

Deleting an object border setting

  1. Scroll down to the Object border settings section from the Company information page.
  2. Click Delete () to set the selected object border.

    Important: Deleting the Object border settings does not have a confirmation dialog. When you click Delete, the setting is immediately removed.

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