Adding a test 2.0

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

If your clinic’s practice information management software (PIMS) is connected to Vetscan Imagyst, any new test orders created within the PIMS automatically appear in Vetscan Imagyst. Select your prepopulated test order and click Scan to scan the slide. You can also manually create a test if your clinic is not connected to Vetscan Imagyst through a PIMS system. 

To manually create a test:

  1. Click Main Menu ().
  2. Click the Worklist link.
  3. Click Add test ().
  4. When the Add test dialog opens:
    1. Select a test type from the dropdown menu.

      Important: If you want an additional test review, request an Add-on expert review as the test type. For more information, view Add-on expert review.
    2. Enter the patient ID.
    3. Enter the name of the patient (optional).
    4. Select a species from the species dropdown menu.

      Important: Some test types include an Other species option. For Digital Cytology test types, optionally enter a new species into the species text field. 
    5. Click Create.

      Note: After clicking Create, a test is created and the slide can be scanned at any time by clicking the blue Scan button. 

For more information, view Scanning a test.

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