Release Notes
by Shannon Mitchell
Vetscan Imagyst's release notes provide information on new features and updates in each release. For more information on the features, please refer to the rest of the Vetscan Imagyst User Guide. Some features listed below are coming soon but are not yet implemented. Please refer to their expected rollout dates.
Release # 25.06 - 2025-02-03
PDF download option added for tablets
Expected rollout: March2025To address issues with inline PDF viewing on tablets, we have added a button allowing users to download the PDF if viewing the report is not possible.
New language support
Expected rollout: February 2025Expected rollout: February 2025 We are expanding language support in Vetscan Imagyst to include four new languages:
- English (UK)
- Spanish (Spain)
- French (Canada)
- Polish (Poland)
Related tests icon in Worklist, Gallery view, and Search results
Expected rollout: March 2025We have introduced a related tests icon to the Worklist, Gallery view, and Search results. This icon will only appear if a test has an associated addendum or is an Add-on expert review; in that case, it will also display the original AI test. The related tests feature displays the hierarchy of tests, showing which addendum or test was created for which previous test. When viewing a test's hierarchy, the current test will be displayed as unclickable black text, while the other tests will be represented as clickable links. If a test name is too long, it will be truncated, but hovering over it with a mouse will display the full name.
New error for AI analysis in the “Both ears” body region
Expected rollout: February 2025A new error has been added if a test is submitted for the “Both ears” body region and scan mask areas are only defined for one ear. **scan.inadequate_detected_scan_segments:** The scan is missing an expected scan segment.
Lymph node added as a body region for cytology test types
Expected rollout: March 2025We have introduced "lymph node" as a selectable body region for cytology test types. When users choose "FNA" as the preparation type, they will see "lymph node" as an option, including an optional description field and an accompanying image
Unified field of view sizes in Gallery view
Expected rollout: February 2025We have standardized the sizes of the fields of view in the Gallery view to reduce their space use, providing a cleaner and more streamlined user experience.
Improved paper size standards by country
Expected rollout: January 2025We have updated the default paper sizes used in reports to align with country-specific standards:
- USA, Chile, Mexico, Canada, Philippines, and Guam will now use the Letter paper format.
- Japan will use the B5 paper format.
- All other countries will default to the A4 paper format.
Release # 24.51 - 2024-12-18
Improved tab coordination for session timeouts
Expected rollout: December 2024We have enhanced the coordination between tabs connected to the same environment to reduce instances of unexpected sign-outs where idle tabs could also cause non-idle tabs to sign out. Now, one idle tab will not cause active tabs to sign out.
New sign-out screen for inactivity session timeouts
Expected rollout: December 2024Release # 24.49 - 2024-12-01
UI Design Updates
Expected rollout: December 2024We are updating the platform’s UI elements. The updated design includes subtle changes to the interface’s typography (fonts and sizes), colors, and appearance (e.g., dialog corners being more or less rounded). These changes will not affect platform features and functionality. These changes provide the following benefits throughout the platform:
- A consistent look and feel for the UI and branding.
- WCAG 2 compliance (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) Level AA.
- Enabling the ability to add additional UI themes in the future.
Sidebar updates
Expected rollout: December 2024The sidebar's cells are now more streamlined, replacing the previous gray boxes with a clean list format.
Improved sign-in security
Expected rollout: December 2024To protect against malicious login attempts by bots using compromised credentials, we have enabled CAPTCHA. Here's how it works:
- CAPTCHA only appears when suspicious activity is detected, ensuring minimal disruption for legitimate users.
- If you're using a browser and the system determines you are human, CAPTCHA will auto-complete without interaction.
Sidebar display update for classes without objects
Expected rollout: January 2024If a class in the sidebar has no objects to display in the gallery view, the class name will now appear grayed out with a tooltip stating “no object images.” This visual cue and tooltip helps users quickly identify which classes do not have any available objects to see.
UI text elements changing from title case to sentence case
Expected rollout: December 2024To enhance consistency, readability, and user experience, we are transitioning from title case to sentence case in our user interface and documentation. We expect to deploy and enable this change to your environment sometime in December 2025. Due to the nature of this change, we cannot provide per-customer control of the date and time it is enabled for you. Title case capitalizes the initial letter of most words in a heading or title, whereas sentence case capitalizes only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns within a phrase or sentence.
Fecal version 3: Expanded tapeworm species identification
Expected rollout: December 2024Vetscan Imagyst AI Fecal will now identify Spirometra spp. tapeworms.
Urine Sediment version 2: Enhanced urine sediment analysis
Expected rollout: December 2024Vetscan Imagyst AI Urine Sediment analysis will now identify and quantify 3 new crystals (bi-urate, cystine, and bilirubin) as well as spermatozoa to aid in the diagnosis of urinary conditions.
Release # 24.45 - 2024-11-01
Support information page
Expected rollout: Coming SoonA new Support information page will be available from within the Main Menu. This page allows users to find relevant support resources quickly and easily.
Keyboard shortcuts added for Slide view Z-layer navigation
Expected rollout: November 2024For slides with multiple Z-layers, you can navigate through the Z-layers in Slide view by using the keyboard short cut Shift + Up arrow or Shift + Down arrow.
Additional Case details added to the Case details page
Expected rollout: November 2024The details page for templated cases has been updated to include the following fields: case ID, created at, completed, archived, and origin.
PDF report updates
Expected rollout: November 2024To improve the report's readability and presentation, all headers within the PDF report will now appear in dark blue, and dermatology images will be displayed in a smaller size.
Customer feedback button
Expected rollout: Coming SoonA new Customer feedback button is being introduced in the Worklist (formerly Inbox) for all Vetscan Imagyst users. This feature provides a form for users to share feedback about their experience with Vetscan Imagyst.
Cytology test update
Expected rollout: Coming SoonThe terminology for the cytology test type has been updated to improve coherency in the test creation process. When creating a Cytology test with the Lesion site card, the previously labeled "Lesion type" field will now be labeled "Preparation type."
Release # 24.40 - 2024-10-01
Slide view update
Expected rollout: October 2024For all veterinary test types, only the 40X FOV (HPF) and 10X FOV (LPF) will be available for clinic users.
New version of AI Blood Smear
Expected rollout: November 2024Users will now see an updated Guide drawer and user guide with changes to sample preparation techniques.
User access to Images view for Digital Cytology tests updated
Expected rollout: October 2024Clinic users' access to the Image view for Digital Cytology tests has been adjusted to improve efficiency. The Images view is no longer included as part of the Digital Cytology workflow for clinic users only.
Shared link expiration based on time and usage
Expected rollout: December 2024Depending on the company’s configuration, users will now be able to access shared links either for five or 30 days or up to a limit of 100 accesses, whichever comes first. For example, if the link is three days old but has already been accessed 100 times, it will expire, and the next user won’t be able to access it. Similarly, if the link is six or 31 days old and the 100-use limit hasn't been reached, it will still expire based on the set time limit.
Unified classifications for Slide view and Images view sidebars
Expected rollout: Coming SoonThe classification dialog, Slide view sidebar, and Images view sidebar will now display the same classifications, with some differences depending on the specific product in use. This behavior results from the “Hide classes not marked for display” feature switch.
Sign-out experience update
Expected rollout: November 2024Upon signing out manually, users will see the following message: “Your session has ended. Navigate to the original link or application to continue. If you accessed this within another app, try refreshing or retrying the action there.” If the session ends due to inactivity, users will see the following message: “Your session has ended due to inactivity. Navigate to the original link or application to continue. If you accessed this within another app, try refreshing or retrying the action there.”
Scan area drawing tool update
Expected rollout: November 2024The Scan area drawing tool for Grundium scanners has been updated, allowing users to better create and edit rectangular, circular, and polygonal scan areas, including enhanced anchor point creation and table interactions.
Time zone field now required
Expected rollout: October 2024The time zone field is now mandatory for all companies. All new companies will be required to fill out the time zone field during setup.
Signature email field for VRLs
Expected rollout: October 2024Pathologists can now enter a different email to be displayed on reports, separate from the one used for signing in. This field is optional, so if no email is provided, the sign-in email will be used by default.
Application UI updates
Expected rollout: November 2024The following updates will be made to the application’s UI in November:
- Inbox page becomes Worklist page
- Inbox button becomes View Worklist button
- Inbox Case Filters and Inbox Filters sections becomes Worklist Filters section
- Scan filters section becomes Scans filters section
- Objects view or Images view page becomes Gallery view page
- View objects button becomes View gallery button
- Zoomer view title becomes Slide view title
- Company info page becomes Company information page
- Features link becomes Features switchboard link
- Advanced filter menu becomes Filters menu
- Details button becomes View details button
- New region button becomes Scan slide button
- Orphan case alert becomes Missing scans: view details alert
- Duplicate scan alert becomes Duplicate scans: view details alert
- Case Inbox filter dialog becomes Advanced filter dialog
- Scan zoomer title becomes Actions title
- Case name element becomes Case number element
- Sizes button becomes Toggle sizes and boxes button
- Attribute button becomes Toggle attributes button
- Show attributes dialog becomes Attributes dialog
- Object style filter button becomes Adjust color button
- Sort ascending and Sort descending buttons becomes Sorting ascending and Sorting descending button
- Fullscreen button becomes Toggle fullscreen button
- Help button becomes View help button
- Grid layout button becomes View as grid button
- Share scan text tooltip becomes Share scan
- Measurement tool tooltip text becomes Toggle measurements
- Measuring button becomes Toggle measurement button
- Remove button becomes Remove measurement button
- Orphaned scan filter becomes Scan link history
- Orphaned filter option becomes Scan never linked filter option
- Unorphaned filter option becomes Scan is either linked or has been removed filter option
- Scan name element becomes Scan label element
Release # 24.36 - 2024-09-01
Language regions
Expected rollout: September, 2024We've enhanced the language options in the "My Profile" section by associating each language with its respective region. The regions for the existing languages are as follows:
- English (USA)
- Greek (Greece)
- French (France)
- German (Germany)
- Japanese (Japan)
- Chinese (Simplified Han)
- Italian (Italy)
- Spanish (Latin America)
- Portuguese (Portugal)
Support email change
Expected rollout: September, 2024The following support emails have changed:
- The support cases for Japan will now be sent to
- The UK support email is outdated and will be removed.
Release # 24.34 - 2024-08-06
Other Field in Sidebar
Expected Rollout: August, 2024Pathologists can now see user-entered data in the Other field in the Sidebar.
New Zoetis UK Support Email
Expected Rollout: August, 2024The Zoetis UK support email has been updated from to
Urine PDF Report
Expected Rollout: August, 2024The total, unrounded value for Urine Specific Gravity (USG) will now be displayed in the Sample Details card and the PDF report
Urine Tooltip Update
Expected Rollout: August, 2024The Total Count is no longer displayed in the tooltip for Vet Urine.
Pathologist Feedback
Expected Rollout: August, 2024Pathologist feedback will appear in a separate section above the report title but not in the PDF report. Additional recommendations will be visible exclusively within the Report Viewer.
Release # 24.27 - 2024-07-01
Shared Link Access Limit
Expected Rollout: July 2024Shared links now have a maximum access limit of 100 times. This limit is based on the total number of accesses, not on the number of unique users.
Urine Tooltip Update
Expected Rollout: June 2024The tooltip has been simplified by removing the Found HPFs (High Power Fields) and LPFs (Low Power Fields).
AI Fecal Ova/Oocysts PDF Report Update
Expected Rollout: August 2024For users who have the Vet Companion Fecal feature switch enabled, the term "Ancylostoma (hookworm)" has been updated to "Ancylostoma/Uncinaria (hookworm)" to provide a more comprehensive identification.
Release # 24.23 - 2024-06-04
Guide Drawer In All Supported Languages
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonThe Guide Drawer now includes all supported languages.
Improved Tooltips for AI Urine Sediment
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonThe tooltips now label “Found FOVs” as “Found HPFs” and “Count per FOV” as “Count per HPF.”
White Blood Cell Count from CBC Machine
Expected Rollout: End of MayUsers can input the White Blood Cell count from a Complete Blood Count (CBC) as part of a Blood Smear test. This value will be integrated into the calculations for the estimated White Blood Cell count, ensuring accuracy and reliability with the analysis.
Improved Blood Smear PDF Report
Expected Rollout: End of MayThe Blood Smear PDF report displays “Present/Absent” for cells instead of “not counted.”
Release # 24.19 - 2024-05-09
“Inbox” to become “Worklist”
Expected Rollout: August 1st, 2024The Inbox will be renamed the “Worklist” starting August 1st, 2024. The term “Inbox” appears in the Main Menu and as the title of the Inbox page. It also appears in the documentation, user training, and other materials.
Depending on your implementation of the Techcyte platform, the “Inbox Case Filters” or “Inbox Filters” sections of the Company Info page will be renamed “Worklist Filters” starting August 1st, 2024. This change will also be made within the documentation, user training, and other materials. These changes do not affect any existing functionality.
Release # 24.18 - 2024-05-01
Temporary 40X FOV Boxes for Clinic Users
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonVet Urine clinic users can now create temporary boxes of 40X FOVs. View topic.
To create a box:
- Select 40X FOV in the Sidebar by clicking on the cell.
- Press and hold “Opt” (MacOS) or “Alt“ (Windows) while moving around the slide with the box.
- Select an area to place a box and left-click while pressing “Opt” (MacOS) or "Alt" (Windows).
- Creation Limit: Users can now create up to 10 temporary boxes.
- Visibility Control: If a test is submitted for the Add-On Expert Review, temporary boxes will not be displayed. The boxes will also not appear in Gallery View.
- Automatic Removal: Boxes will automatically disappear when a user navigates away from the test or when the page is refreshed.
Enhanced Cell Tooltips
Expected Rollout: June 1stTooltips will now include comprehensive information on counts. View topic.
In addition to displaying grades, tooltips will also include:
- Total Count: Get a quick understanding of the total count associated with the data in each cell. This is the total count of all of the objects an algorithm has found.
- Found FOVs (Fields of View): Understand how many distinct FOVs are represented.
- Count per FOV: See deeper granularity by viewing the count per FOV.
New Test Type Information Card
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonThe card displaying information for the test type filled out during test creation, including details like USG, RBC count, or colors, has been added to the Images and Slide Views above the Sidebar. This card will be visible in the Sidebar for all AI tests, including AI Urine Sediment, AI Blood Smear, AI Dermatology, Fecal Ova/Oocysts, Fecal Giardia, and Equine Fecal Egg Count. View topic.
Release # 24.14 - 2024-04-01
Vet Fecal Tests Not Archived
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonVet Fecal tests will not be archived if there is a parasitology request associated with them.
Added Exemplars for AI Urine Sediment Epithelial Cell Clusters
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonThe exemplars for the AI Urine Sediment for the Epithelial Cell Cluster have been added. Now, by clicking "e" on a keyboard while hovering over this cell, users can view the exemplars of this class.
Improved Comment Placement for Test Types
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonComments are now repositioned above the images for test types, including:
- AI Blood Smear
- AI Urine Sediment
- AI Dermatology
- AI Fecal - Ova/Oocysts
- Cytology
This adjustment enhances readability and ensures that comments are conveniently located for quick reference during analysis.
Updated Guidance: How to Stain a Slide Video
Expected Rollout: June 2024The video on staining slides when submitting an AI Urine Sediment test via the Add-On Expert Review has been added to the Grundium Scan Dialog.
The video is going to be played in a video player used in Guide Drawer.
Clinic User Test Submission Options Update
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonClinic users can select between "Zoetis Virtual Lab - Next Day" or "Zoetis Virtual Lab - Priority" when submitting a test. Next Day tests have a 24-hour turnaround time, and Priority tests have a 2-hour turnaround time.
Improved Test Cancellation Functionality - Clinic User
Expected Rollout: April 2024The user experience for clinic users is enhanced by enabling the users to cancel Cytology or Add-On Expert Review tests immediately upon creation, eliminating the need to input a character to prompt the cancellation button.
Enhanced Guides for Vet Fecal and Urine
Expected Rollout: June 2024There is now clear differentiation between Vet Fecal and Vet Urine printed coverslips and printed slides:
Updated guides now provide distinct guidance for each test type.
The previous Urine help card has been replaced with a new gif and text detailing what to look for in the printed slide.
Additionally, Vet Fecal and Vet Equine Fecal Egg Count now feature an extra help card demonstrating correct coverslip application.
Species Input Experience and UX Improvements
Expected Rollout: May 2024The Add Test dialog and Test Order Entry page have been updated to include:
- Users can now directly input species in the Add Test dialog or Test Order page, replacing the "other" field.
- Newly entered species, like "camel," will be remembered for future use, with an option to remove them.
- In the Test Order page, if a new species is entered, the breed field will prompt only for breed input, avoiding "no breed found" messages.
Additionally, the Age, Sex, and Submit Test fields have been updated for consistent visuals and the wording updated for improved user understanding.
End-User Impact
The users no longer see the "Other", they can easily write in the species or breed as is.
Unit Update: mg/dL changed to g/dL
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonWe've made a unit adjustment, switching from mg/dL to g/dL of Total Protein (Analyzer, g/dL) for Vet Cytology test orders when the users add the fluids. The change is visible for the following sources:
- Joint Fluid
- Pericardial Effusion
- Peritoneal Effusion
- Pleural Effusion
- Peripheral Blood Smear
The CSF remains to have the mg/dL.
The change is reflected in the textfields, the patient information for a Vet Pathologist, and in the Report Viewer and PDF Report.
Greek Language Support
The addition of the Greek language to Vetscan Imagyst has been implemented. Users can now select Greek on the “My Profile” page, ensuring all content is localized accordingly.
Release # 24.12 - 2024-03-19
New Error Alert: Slide Flipped Detection for Urine Analysis
Expected Rollout: Coming SoonA new error detection feature has been added to Vet Urine Analysis. Users will now be alerted if a slide is placed upside down.
End-User Impact
Instead of seeing the error ID of "scan.coverslip_flipped" and the error's description "The coverslip is not oriented correctly" and the appropriate error's link, the users are going to see the error ID "scan.slide_flipped" and the error's description "The slide is upside down" with a new link.
Release # 24.09 - 2024-02-28
Assistance Feature - Flag for AI Improvement
Expected Rollout: March 2024Techcyte, Sporecyte, and Vetscan Imagyst users can now flag any concerns they have with the AI-generated results. They can provide detailed notes about their observations, which will help refine AI-based classifications and ensure accurate results. This new feature empowers users to play an active role in improving AI technology.
- This feature is under the feature switch “New Assistance Workflow."
- The “Flag for AI improvement” option appears only for AI tests.
End-User Impact
- Users can now flag a scan for AI review independently of requesting additional reviews.
- Techcyte will be able to see scans with this flag directly instead of being notified by an external messaging system.
- "Flag for AI Improvements" will be available before the test is finalized, and users will not be able to "unflag" it.
- The "Flagged Results" checkbox has been removed, and "Flag for AI Improvements" is now part of the Assistance menu (raised hand icon).
- Guest Users will have read-only access to the notes.
- Any user can flag a scan for AI improvement.
Assistance Feature - Request Parasitology Review
Expected Rollout: March 2024The Assistance workflow now has the option to "Request Parasitology Review.” Users can opt to send Vet Fecal and Vet Equine Fecal Egg Count test types for review by a parasitologist. This feature lets users specify essential details such as Patient's Age, Test Kit used, and Clinical Signs. Once the request is submitted, the parasitologist's reply can be viewed by clicking "View Reply" in the Inbox.
The parasitologists have a separate panel when accessing the test. They can view the data entered by the clinic user and also have a separate field for writing their review, which will be submitted to the user. The parasitologists are able to translate the user-entered text to the language of their preference and reply in English. The reply is then automatically translated into the clinic's language.
This feature is under the feature switch “New Assistance Workflow“.
The “Request for Parasitology Review” is only displayed for Fecal Giardia, Fecal Ova/Oocysts, and Fecal Equine Egg Count sample types.
End-User Impact
- This will impact the way clinic users flag their tests. The workflow is divided into "Flagged results" and "Request Parasitology Review."
- Selecting "Request Parasitology Review" does not create an OpsGenie alert. The entry will be added to the database, and automated emails will be sent based on the company's country to the respective mapped emails of Zoetis support.
- "Request Parasitology Review" is available before the test gets finalized. The user cannot cancel the action once it is submitted.
- The "Flagged results" checkbox is gone. The "Request Parasitology Review" is now a part of the Assistance workflow.
- The Guest User will have read-only permission to access the notes.
Release # 24.06 - 2024-02-05
Improved Translations: Clinical History Converted to Lower Case
Coming Soon!When a test is received in Zoetis Virtual Lab, the Clinical History is converted to lowercase before being translated. This helps to improve the accuracy of translation with DeepL. The Breed and Species are translated with the first letter capitalized. The translations are presented in standard text format, ensuring a more consistent and readable output.
This change is only made in the text sent to the translator; the original text remains unchanged.
Release # 24.05 - 2024-01-29
Improved Scan Area Control on Tablet
Coming Soon!A user can now manipulate the scan area directly in the Grundium Scan Dialog, offering increased flexibility in defining specific scanning regions on a tablet.
The users can now create a new scan area box on a tablet and better control the anchors and area manipulation.
Release # 24.04 - 2024-01-22
New Species Option: Equine in Vet Cytology
Expected Rollout: January/February 2024We've added "Equine" as a selectable option when creating a Cytology test. Now, in the Species dropdown and other relevant displays, users can choose "Equine" to enhance the specificity of their tests.
Other places where the change will be displayed:
- Add Test
- Test Order Entry Page
- Slide View
- Objects View
- Report Viewer
- PDF Report
- Search
- Shared User and Guest Link
End-User Impact
The new dropdown option "Equine" upon creation of the Vet Cytology test will be new to all users who have the "Vet Cytology" feature switch enabled.


Introducing In-context Help
Expected Rollout: January/February 2024In our latest update, we've implemented In-Context Help to enhance the user experience during test creation. Now, users will be presented with a Guide Drawer offering valuable resources such as tips, common mistakes, sample preparation steps, downloadable instructions, and platform-specific instructional videos. This feature is designed to provide users with immediate assistance, ensuring a smoother and more informed test creation process.
The help content is available for:
Fecal Giardia
Fecal Ova/Oocysts
Urine Sediment
Blood Smear
Equine Fecal
The Guide Drawer is accessible via the Grundium Scan Dialog:
- At the left bottom corner.
- Via a Main Menu under the About section.
- Using Alt+G (Windows) or Opt+G (MacOS)
The Guide Drawer can be opened automatically each time upon user creation or set to only appear when triggered by a user.
The Guide Drawer can also be accessible from tablet devices.
End-User Impact
When a customer adds a test and selects a sample type, the Guide Drawer will appear automatically unless a user changes a setting in the Guide Drawer.



Grundium Scanner Update Notification Banner
Expected Rollout: January 2024For users of Grundium scanners, there is now a notification banner to inform users when their Grundium scanner is undergoing an update.
The banner is displayed only to the company initiating the firmware update, even if the scanner is associated with multiple companies.
The banner may have a latency of up to 10 seconds when initially displaying information.
After a page refresh, the banner reappears with a 2-3 seconds latency if it was previously present.
End-User Impact
The banner is now displayed to all companies that have a Grundium scanner while undergoing an update.

Revamped Message Alert Colors for Clear Communication
Expected Rollout: January/February 2024In our latest update, we've revamped the alert message colors to enhance communication. Currently, in the platform, there are three distinct types of alert messages with these updated colors:
Informational - Dark Gray: Provides useful information for the user, like login details or offline status.
Action Confirmation - Dark Gray: Confirms successful actions, such as updated settings or submitted requests.
Action Failure Notification - Red: Indicates failure for actions like unsuccessful request submissions or image-saving issues.
This color update ensures a visually intuitive experience, distinguishing between success and failure.
End-User Impact
All users who have had the green alert messages will now have dark gray messages instead.

Upcoming Auth0 Changes with Improved UI
Expected Rollout: January-March 2024Enhanced Auth0 changes, featuring an improved UI, will be available in January - March.
End-User Impact
The frontend changes will be visible to the customers who have the backend feature switch for Auth0 enabled.
Release # 24.02 - 2024-01-08
Translation Services Control for Vet Pathologists
Vet Pathologists can now toggle DeepL translation services on and off. When a user turns on this feature, they can utilize the full functionality, including previewing the translation of the Report Builder fields. When turned off, they do not have access to translation services.
End-User Impact
The users will see a new toggle that will impact the translation if it was previously triggered.


Informative Icon for Class in Image View
If configured to do so, the Image View will display up to a specific number of objects. Additionally, the class header now features an information icon. Hovering over the icon with your mouse reveals the following detail: "The count of objects per field of view was low enough to justify [a particular grade]. These images represent a subset of the objects that were found."
This information is configured in a ruleset, allowing control over the number of displayed images. If set to 0, the header, icon, and images are not visible.
Whether the “Show all” images appears is also configurable, and if it appears, it can still be used to see all uploaded images.
End-User Impact
The users in some cases can now see an information icon next to a header of a class in the Image View.

Informative Asterisk for Maximum Uploads in Sidebar
Users will now notice a small asterisk in the Sidebar next to object type counts when the number of uploaded objects exceeds the configured maximum. The following text is displayed upon hovering with your mouse: "Indicates the number of objects uploaded."
This asterisk appears when the count reaches the configured maximum upload limit, as set in the ruleset.
End-User Impact
The users can see an asterisk next to some classes in the Zoomer Sidebar.

In-context Help for AI Urine Sediment
In our latest update, we've implemented In-context Help to enhance the user experience during test creation. Now, users will be presented with a Guide Drawer offering valuable resources such as tips, common mistakes, sample preparation steps, downloadable instructions, and platform-specific instructional videos. This feature is designed to provide users with immediate assistance, ensuring a smoother and more informed test creation process.
The Guide Drawer is accessible via the Grundium Scan Dialog at the left bottom corner.
The Guide Drawer can be opened automatically each time upon user creation or set to only appear when triggered by a user.
The Guide Drawer contains the content for AI Urine Sediment only; the content is shown only if the AI Urine Sediment feature switch is enabled and the language of a user is set to English.
The Alt+G/Option+G combination is displayed based on the OS used by a user.
End-User Impact
When a customer adds a test and selects a sample type, the Guide Drawer will appear automatically unless a user changes a setting in the Guide Drawer.

Release # 23.49 - 2023-12-11
Redesigned User Menu
Expected Rollout January 2024Description:
Location: The User Menu will now be located where the current user and company names are displayed.
Collapsible Feature: The menu will be clickable, allowing users to conveniently collapse or expand it based on their preference.
Information in the User Menu:
Connection Type: Displays the connection type of the user.
My Account: Provides access to user account settings (formerly known as My Profile).
Change Company: Allows users to switch between different companies they’re a part of.
Copy Page Link: Enables users to share the current page link easily.
Sign Out: Allows users to log out of the system (formerly located in the Main Menu).
Future Enhancement: A profile picture of the user will be added to the User Menu at a later date.
End-User Impact
The "Sign out" option has been removed from the Main Menu and will now only be available on the User menu page. Additionally, "My Profile" has been renamed to "My Account".
User Profile and Users Information Updates
Expected Rollout January 2024We will be introducing the following changes:
My Account (formerly User Profile):
Connection Type Addition: Users can now view their designated connection type on My Account, providing clarity on their sign-in method.
Last Login Timestamp: The Last Login Timestamp will be displayed, providing users with information about the timing of their most recent access to the platform.
Users Page:
A new column will be added to the Users page, displaying the connection type for each user. This will help administrators manage users more efficiently.
Multi-Company User Access
Expected Rollout January 2024We are adding the ability for users to be part of multiple companies, each with distinct roles. Here's what's changing:
Multi-Company Access: Users can now have different roles in multiple companies using the same email address they are added to a company with.
Company Selection on Sign-In: After signing into the platform, users will have the option to choose which company they want to sign into.
End-User Impact
If a user is a member of multiple companies, they will need to choose a company each time they sign in. There is no option to select a default company.
Login Page Improvements
Expected Rollout January 2024Here's what's new:
Customized sign-in options: Users can now sign in using their company's preferred connection type, such as Microsoft, Google, or other specified options.
Consolidated legal information: The legal paragraph on the Login Page will be removed and seamlessly integrated into the Terms of Service within the Consent Window.
Organization-specific logo: The logo on the login page will now be personalized to each organization's setup, featuring their unique branding.
End-User Impact
The language dropdown will no longer be available on the Vetscan Imagyst Login Page. Instead, the Login Page for Vetscan Imagyst, Techcyte, and Sporecyte will now automatically detect the language based on the user's browser settings. This feature will align with the set of languages currently supported in the product or soon to be supported.

Enhanced Password Error Messages
Expected Rollout January 2024In response to our recent update to strengthen password requirements, we've improved the informativeness of error messages for password-related actions. The key enhancements include:
Password reset via link: When a user attempts to reset their password using a link, success or failure to meet the following conditions will now be clearly indicated as the informative prompts under the password field:
- Must be at least 12 characters.
- Cannot contain personal information.
- Cannot be identical to one of the last 3 passwords.
- Cannot be on the list of most common passwords.
- Admin/User password creation in the Actions section: If an admin tries to create a password for a user or a user does so in the Actions section of My Profile, a concise one-line error message will be displayed under the password text field. This message will provide specific details about why the password cannot be set.
Terms of Service Consent
Expected Rollout January 2024We have moved the Terms of Service to a separate window, where users will be asked to provide one-time consent upon clicking "Sign in."
End-User Impact
The legal paragraph present at the bottom of our Login page will be included in the Terms of Service.
Release # 23.46 - 2023-11-13
Enhanced Password Strength Requirements
Expected Rollout 2023-11-24 - 2023-12-08In our ongoing effort to prioritize security, we're updating our password strength requirements as part of the migration to Auth0 for user authentication.
Current strength requirements:
- Password must be at least eight characters.
- Password cannot be one of the last three passwords for this user.
- Password cannot be on the list of the 10k most common passwords.
New strength requirements:
- Password must be at least 12 characters.
- Personal data (first name, last name, or email) cannot be a part of the password.
- Password cannot be one of the last three passwords for this user.
- Password cannot be on the list of the 10k most common passwords.
End-User Impact
This would not invalidate any existing passwords, but new accounts and changed passwords would need to meet the updated requirements.
Release # 23.46 - 2023-11-13
Assessment Drawer Feature Switch to be Decommissioned
Expected Rollout 2023-11-17 - 2023-12-01The feature switch that controlled the newest version of the Assessment Drawer will be decommissioned. This means the newest version of the Assessment Drawer will be the default version for all users.
End-User Impact
The feature switch will be turned on for all users 1 week before it is decommissioned and therefore, always turned on. Users should not see any change after the feature switch is decommissioned.
The Company Information Page will now have a Company Language Setting
Expected Rollout 2023-11-17 - 2023-12-01A clinic can set language settings within the Company Information page for a clinic-wide language. This is an optional setting and individual users can still have different language settings.
End-User Impact
A clinic's language setting will be set according to the most popular language among its users. Users with the admin role can change the setting to another language, if desired. New users will have their language defaulted to the clinic's language, but it can be changed to the user's preference.
Reports will now be archived in Company's Language
Expected Rollout 2023-11-17 - 2023-12-01Fecal and Urine reports will now be archived in the company's language, regardless of the individual user's language preference.
End-User Impact
Reports will be archived in the company's language, meaning some users will see reports in a different language to their own language settings.
Site Name Translation
Expected Rollout 2023-11-17 - 2023-12-01The user-entered text within the Site Name will now be automatically translated when a pathologist activates a translation for the Clinical History.
End-User Impact
This will allow the pathologists to see the translated Site Name when it appears in the Sidebar card, Report Builder, and Sites, making their review of the test easier.
Release # 23.44 - 2023-10-30
Updated the Pathologist Workflow with Embedded Translations
Expected Rollout 2023-11-03 - 2023-11-17- Autodetect Default Option
The default option "Autodetect" will now require manual activation by a pathologist, ensuring precise control over the language detection process. - Expanded Language Options
Polish and Dutch have been added to the language dropdown menu in the Clinical History. - Enhanced Disclaimer Display
The disclaimer for "machine translations" will now be visible in both the Report Viewer and the PDF report, exclusively when the Translation feature is enabled.
End-User Impact
This will change the workflow for the pathologists, as now every time they receive the test in a foreign language, they must trigger the translation by clicking “Autodetect."



Release # 23.42 - 2023-10-16
Equine Species Option for Cytology Tests
Expected Rollout 2023-10-20 - 2023-10-30When creating a new cytology test, users will now have the ability to select the species "equine."
End-User Impact
This impacts all users who have the "Vet Cytology" and "Vet Equine Fecal" feature switches enabled.
New Glossary Functionality
Expected Rollout 2023-10-20 - 2023-10-30Vet Pathologists can now utilize a new functionality of the glossary. The glossary can be updated on the “DeepL Glossary” page. The DeepL Glossary is updated by the Zoetis Virtual Lab’s pathologists team and overrides translations for text entered when working in the Report Builder.
End-User Impact
This change is applicable to all Vet Pathologists of Zoetis Virtual Lab. The glossary works with the "Translation" feature switch on.
Individuals with both Vet Pathologist and Clinic Admin rights are able to access and update the Glossary page under the "Admin" section in the Hamburger menu.
The glossary works only for the user-entered text of the Vet Pathologists.


Enhanced Filter Display for Users
Expected Rollout 2023-10-20 - 2023-10-30The filter badge now ensures a more accurate representation of the entries based on the filter within a company. Instead of 99+, a user will see the quantity of the entries up to 999+ for filters within the companies.
Release # 23.40 - 2023-10-02
New Translation Feature for ZVL Vet Pathologists
Expected Rollout 2023-10-06 - 2023-10-16There is a new feature for Zoetis Virtual Lab vet pathologists: the ability to translate tests received in foreign languages. This enhancement aims to streamline and improve the diagnostic process, ensuring seamless communication across language barriers.
End-User Impact
• This will impact the users of Zoetis Virtual Lab company.
• The feature is available under the "Translation" feature switch.


New Disclaimer in AI Dermatology Report
Expected Rollout 2023-10-06 - 2023-10-16The following disclaimer has been incorporated into the AI Dermatology report for increased transparency and clarity: “This report and the results contained herein relate only to the section(s) of the slide(s) submitted for evaluation as received. Additional material or content present on other sections of the slide(s) or on other slide(s) not submitted for evaluation may compromise the accuracy of the diagnosis.”
End-User Impact
• The disclaimer is visible if the Vet White Label feature is on.
• This disclaimer should be in the AI Dermatology and AI Dermatology Ears PDF report.
Default Classify Option Setting Update
Expected Rollout 2023-10-06 - 2023-10-16Now users with specific permissions can set the default classify option for a sample type.
End-User Impact
Only the users who currently have access to the Classifier Configuration page will be able to set the default classify option.
If a classify option is in the feature switch, it will override what is set in the Classifier Configuration.

Release # 23.38 - 2023-09-18
New Test Priority Options
Expected Rollout 2023-09-22 - 2023-10-02Clinic users will now have the flexibility to select between sending the test as a priority to Zoetis Virtual Lab or as a next-day priority.
End-User Impact
This update will affect all clinic users utilizing the Vet Cytology feature.
Archive Policy Update
Expected Rollout 2023-09-22 - 2023-10-02Tests categorized under the species 'Other' will no longer be included in the archiving process. Positive fecal tests will be archived after 45 days, as opposed to the previous 30-day period.
End-User Impact
This change will have an impact on all customers who have the new storage policy already implemented.
Positive Fecal Test Indicator in Inbox
Expected Rollout 2023-09-22 - 2023-10-02Users will find a positive fecal test indicator in their Inbox. This addition will provide immediate visibility on critical test results.
End-User Impact
This change is going to impact the customers who have the Vet Companion Fecal and Vet Equine Fecal test types enabled.
Error Message Update
Expected Rollout 2023-09-22 - 2023-10-02The error message 'coverslip missing' is now replaced with 'fiducials missing' for more precise error identification.
End-User Impact
This change impacts all users who use Grundium scanners and use the coverslip with fiducials for tests.
Release # 23.36 - 2023-09-05
Coming Soon
Billing Status Notification for Clinic Users and Pathologists
Expected Rollout 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-22There is a new notification system that informs both clinic users and pathologists if a test has not been charged. This information is accessible in the Report Viewer but is not currently reflected in the PDF reports.
End-User Impact
This change will impact the users who have "Vet Cytology" and/or "Vet Virtual Reference Lab" feature switches turned on.
New Popup Appears for Low White Blood Cell Count
Expected Rollout 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-22A new popup will appear for cases that have a low White Blood Cell count. The message will read, "The sample exhibits Leukopenia (low white blood cell count). In this case, Add-on Expert Review is recommended." for blood samples that have a low WBC count.
End-User Impact
This change impacts the companies using the AI Blood Smear product.
Changes to Scan Site Location for AI Dermatology Users
Expected Rollout 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-22AI Dermatology users can now select site locations with improved options in the Scan Dialog window. These options include "Face/Single Ear" and "Both Ears".
End-User Impact
This change impacts the companies using the AI Dermatology product.
Grundium Profile settings dropdown
Expected Rollout 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-22The Grundium profile set dropdown and Advanced settings are now under a feature switch. This will allow users wtih this feature switch enabled to configure their Grundium settings to their preferences.
End-User Impact
This change impacts the companies with the "Show Grundium Profiles" feature switch turned on.
Automatic detection of a scan's sample concentration
Expected Rollout 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-22AI Dermatology scans now automatically detect the area within a scan where the sample is most concentrated. This will ensure that the suggested scan area mask chooses the best area, which will make test creation quicker and the scan area mask more accurate.
End-User Impact
This change impacts the companies using the AI Dermatology product.
Feature Switches Removed
Expected Rollout 2023-09-08 - 2023-09-22The Vet Fecal V2 and Post Model Classification feature switches have been removed and these features have been fully integrated into the platform.
End-User Impact
This change will not impact any users.
Release # 23.34 - 2023-08-21
Coming Soon
Images that are graded None to Rare are no longer displayed
Expected Rollout 2023-08-21 - 2023-09-08Images View no longer displays images for AI Dermatology that are graded as None to Rare. This change aims to streamline the view for better clarity.
End-User Impact
This change impacts the companies using AI Dermatology.
Release # 23.32 - 2023-08-07
Coming Soon
Test Submission Status Changed to "Assigned to pathologist"
Expected Rollout 2023-08-11 - 2023-08-25
When clinic users send tests to Zoetis Virtual Lab, they will notice an updated status of "Assigned to pathologist" instead of "Assigned to Zoetis Virtual Lab", which was the previous status. This enhancement aims to provide better clarity and align the status with the actual process, ensuring a smoother experience for all users.
End-User Impact
This change will impact all of the users on Vetscan Imagyst who are using the Cytology product.
Disclaimer for AI Equine Fecal Egg Count
Expected Rollout 2023-08-11 - 2023-08-25
If no ova are detected on the slide evaluated, a helpful disclaimer will be displayed: "0 EPG indicates that no ova were detected on the slide evaluated." This disclaimer is featured in both the Assessment Drawer and the PDF report.
End-User Impact
This change impacts all of the users who have the AI Equine Fecal Egg Count feature switch enabled.
Updated AI Blood Smear PDF Report
Expected Rollout 2023-08 - 2023-09
The updated AI Blood Smear report has beeen redesigned for a more user-friendly experience. The changes include:
- Adding low/high headers to the minicharts.
- Adding spacings between the classifications and k/ul counts column.
- Adding spacings between te k/ul and the minichart.
- Adding more whitespace between the parent classifications.
- Adding spacings between the mini-charts vertically.
End-User Impact
The updated report is only available to users with the Vet Blood V2 feature switch enabled. The legacy report is still available and in use. Eventually, this feature will be the default for all users.
Insufficient Fiducial Count Found in Less than a Minute
Expected Rollout 2023-08-07 - 2023-08-25
Errors for Grundium scans with fiducials will now be detected in less than a minute.
End-User Impact
The insufficient fiducial count error will appear in less than a minute, which is faster than it was previously.
AI Dermatology Ears and AI Dermatology V2 Feature Switches Separated
Expected Rollout 2023-08-07 - 2023-08-25
The AI Dermatology Ears and Vet AI Dermatology V2 Classifier are now separate feature switches, located in the section of the permanent feature switches.
End-User Impact
Only users with access to the Features section will be able to see and use these new feature switches.
Release # 23.30 - 2023-07-24
Coming Soon
AI Dermatology Ear Sample Orientation
Expected Rollout 2023-07-24 - 2023-08-21
Ear samples with horizontal smears can now be analzyed by the AI Dermatology product. When creating the scan mask area, the user can choose which orientation (horizontal or vertical) fits the sample best.
End-User Impact
While in the Scan Dialog window, the user can toggle the orientation option to the best option by clicking the orientation icon . The user can then draw the scan mask area for the sample.
Release # 23.28 - 2023-07-10
Coming Soon
Tests will now have the Submitted Time
Expected Rollout 2023-07-10 - 2023-07-24
Cytology and Add-On Expert Review Tests within the inbox will have the date and time that the test was created until the test is submitted. After, the date and time will change to when the test was submitted.
End-User Impact
The date and time will be labeled as "Created" before it is submitted and "Submitted" afterwards.
Demo Tests to be sent to the Virtual Lab
Expected Rollout 2023-07-10 - 2023-07-24
Zoetis personal who are performing demos can now send demo Cytology and Add-On Expert Review tests to the Zoetis Virtual Lab. This will create less confusion for Zoetis pathologists.
End-User Impact
If the Vet Demo Mode feature switch is enabled, demo tests will be sent to the Zoetis Virtual Lab.
Release # 23.26 - 2023-06-26
Coming Soon
Cloud Storage Policy will change for Companion Fecal Tests
Expected Rollout 2023-06-30 - 2023-07-14
Whole slide images for positive companion fecal results will be stored for 30 days and negative results for 7 days. After that time, image results will only be available on the finalized report. If images have not been chosen or the report has not been finalized after those time periods, the four highest confidence images per parasite class will be selected and the report will be finalized automatically.
End-User Impact
Tests that were create before June 19th will be kept for 90 days. This will impact existing customers with Companion Fecal tests. Companies who are conducting studies will not be affected.
Support Users can clear FUSE sync status to try to re-sync
Expected Rollout 2023-06-30 - 2023-07-14
Limited Support Users and Admin Support Users can clear the FUSE sync status. This should be done in cases where Vetscan Imagyst shows the test is synced with FUSE while FUSE is not synced. This will trigger an attempt to re-sync the test with FUSE.
End-User Impact
You can clear the status by clicking the FUSE cloud and clearing the status. Vetscan Imagyst will automatically attempt to re-sync the test with FUSE.
Release # 23.24 - 2023-06-13
Coming Soon
Add-On Expert Review Fields Now Editable
Expected Rollout 2023-06-16 - 2023-06-30
For Add-On Expert Reviews, all required and optional fields can be edited, except for the species and site names.
End-User Impact
When creating an Add-On Expert Review, you can update any fields necessary (except for species and site names).
Colors Are Aligned for Add-On Expert Review
Expected Rollout 2023-06-16 - 2023-06-30
When an Add-On Expert Review is created, its color aligns with the test from which it was created.
End-User Impact
Add-On Expert Reviews will not be easier to organize and follow by their color.
Add-On Expert Review Now Includes AI Dermatology Ears
Expected Rollout 2023-06-16 - 2023-06-30
AI Dermatology Ears can now be sent as an Add-On Expert Review.
End-User Impact
You can now choose Lesion when you submit an Add-On Expert Review for AI Dermatology Ears.
Release # 23.20 - 2023-05-19
New Releases
Gender is now labeled Sex
Gender has now been changed to Sex.
End-User Impact
When inputting scan information, you will now choose the Sex of the patient instead of the Gender.
Coming Soon
3rd Party Pathologists is now a user role
Expected Rollout 2023-05-19 - 2023-06-02
3rd Party Pathologists is now a user role.
End-User Impact
3rd Party pathologists is now a user role within the platform. When creating your role, you have the option to include your employeeID. However, it is not required for 3rd party pathologists.
Release # 23.18 - 2023-05-05
New Releases
Page Titles
Page titles now appear in your browser tab.
End-User Impact
The page title appears in the browser tab to help you nagivate if you have multiple tabs of VETSCAN IMAGYST open.
Release # 23.16 - 2023-04-21
New Releases
Loading Status Bar on Images
Images within the Images View will have a loading status while they are loading.
End-User Impact
If your images are taking longer than normal to load, you will see the loading status bar on each image to let you know the progress of the images.
Sorted Search Results
Search results will be displayed from newest to oldest.
End-User Impact
When searching for tests, the results will be sorted from newest to oldest.
3rd Party Lab selection moved to Order Entry page
The 3rd Party Lab selection has been moved to the Patient History section of the Order Entry page for Digital Cytology tests.
End-User Impact
You will now choose the 3rd party lab to send your test to on the Order Entry page in the Patient History section.
Coming Soon
Time Zone
Expected Rollout 2023-04-21 - 2023-05-03
Time zones can be added to your company information.
End-User Impact
You can add your time zone to your company information so the correct time appears on your tests and reports.
Release # 23.14 - 2023-04-07
New Releases
AI Blood Smear Exemplar Images
Exemplar images are now available for AI Blood Smear tests.
End-User Impact
When reviewing the results of an AI Blood Smear test, you can see exemplar images by hovering over a cell type in the sidebar.
Coming Soon
White-labeled Reports
Expected Rollout 2023-04-07 - 2023-04-21
Reports can now be white-labeled.
End-User Impact
If the feature is enabled for a clinic, reports can now be white-labeled and only feature the clinic's logo.
Equine Fecal changed to AI Equine Fecal Egg Count
Expected Rollout 2023-04-07 - 2023-04-21
Equine Fecal has been changed to AI Equine Fecal Egg Count within VETSCAN IMAGYST to match industry standard.
End-User Impact
VETSCAN IMAGYST's user interface will now feature the label of AI Equine Fecal Egg Count whenever you add or review a test.
Release # 23.12 - 2023-03-24
New Releases
Cytology Tests Details Page
Cytology tests now have the details icon () that can give support users access to the details page.
End-User Impact
Support users can now access the details page for cytology tests.
Coming Soon
Cytology Scan Cannot Exceed 30 minutes
Digital Cytology scans cannot exceed 30 minutes. The scan button will be disabled for any scan that is over 30 minutes.
End-User Impact
The user will be warned of their scan time and if it exceeds 30 minutes, they will not be allowed to continue to scan. VETSCAN IMAGYST recommends smaller scan areas for shorter scan times.
Release # 23.08 - 2023-02-24
New Releases
3rd Party Reference Lab Option
If you clinic has the 3rd-party option enabled, you can now send your Digital Cytology and Add-on Expert Review tests to 3rd-party reference labs. Admins are able to input new reference labs for their users to choose.
End-User Impact
When submitting a test, you will be able to choose between the Zoetis Virtual Lab and other 3rd party reference labs if your clinic has the feature enabled. This can help with any time constraints your clinic may have. You will see a reminder of the lab you chose before you submit your test.
Portuguese added as a language option
Portuguese is now a supported language within VETSCAN IMAGYST.
End-User Impact
You can choose Portuguese as your language within the platform.
Fixed Billing for Copied Tests
Copied tests are no longer being billed, fixing a bug that created an inaccurate charge.
End-User Impact
Billing will be accurate for your submitted test.
Release # 23.06 - 2023-02-10
New Releases
Collection Methods Added to Urine Samples (Order Entry)
Collection methods can now be added to Site Cards when adding a urine sample to a cytology test order. This will help with records and diagnosis.
End-User Impact
When creating a Site Card for a urine sample in a cytology test order, a dropdown will appear with collection methods.
Post-processing turned on for select customers
VETSCAN IMAGYST's post-processing tool will be turned on for select companion fecal customers. The post-processing tool works in the background to organize fecal results better.
End-User Impact
Some companion fecal users will see their results include organisms grouped together for more accurate results. This feature will slowly be rolled out until all fecal customers have their results displayed the same way.
Coming Soon
Easily Sortable Lists and Tables
Expected Rollout 2023-02-10 - 2023-02-24
Tables and lists within the Inbox will have a new look that is easier to sort and scroll through. These lists will have dropdown options and will also display the amount of samples within the list. Columns within lists can also be resized.
End-User Impact
You will see new features within lists and tables. If you click on dropdowns, you can expand the lists. To resize columns, hover over the column title until your cursor changes to a crosshair. Then click and drap to expand.
2022 Releases
Release # 22.50 - 2022-12-16
Enhanced Search for Add-On Expert Review
When creating an Add-On Expert Review test, you can search by patient ID and/or name.
End-User Impact
You can use the patient ID and/or name to search for the AI test you want to have reviewed by an expert.
Release # 22.48 - 2022-12-02
Ruler Tool (Slide View)
The ruler tool is located within the toolbar and can help measure objects within the Slide View. Please see the Slide View page for more details.
End-User Impact
You can also hover over the ruler icon to see the tooltip for more help.
Admins Can Change Passwords
Admin users can change passwords for current users or set passwords when they are creating new users.End-User Impact
When creating a new user, you can either create the password then or send a welcome email. Admin users can also change passwords without having to click the reset password link on the login screen.
Assignment Lock (Slide View)
Pathologists cannot assign tests to themselves if the test is already assigned to someone.End-User Impact
Within the Slide View, you can see who is assigned to the test or if it is unassigned. If it is not assigned to you, you will not be able to reassign or edit the test.
Elapsed Time/Review Time Clock (Slide View)
A pathologist can clearly see, while in the Slide View, how long they have been reviewing a test (Review Time) and how much time has elapsed since the test was first submitted (Elapsed Time). The timers are in the upper-right-hand corner of the Slide View.
End-User Impact
A pathologist can track their own time reviewing a test and determine how much time has elapsed since the test was submitted.
Support Button (Slide View)
A pathologist can submit a support request from within the Slide View. The request includes a priority level indication and notes as to why the support ticket was requested.
End-User Impact
A pathologist can more quickly send and receive an appropriate level of support.
Release # 22.46 - 2022-11-18
Magnification Bar Update (Slide View)
The Magnification Bar has been updated to replace 5x magnification with 10x.End-User Impact
You can use the magnification bar to jump to 10x, which is the minimum magnification to box cells in.
Release # 22.42 - 2022-10-21
Microsoft Edge is now a supported browser
Microsoft Edge is now a supported browser for the **VETSCAN IMAGYST** platform. All functions and capabilities will work on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.End-User Impact
You can now use VETSCAN IMAGYST on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
Release # 22.40 - 2022-10-07
Report Builder (Slide View)
The Report Builder is now larger for ease of use. It will also warn you if you do not add any images to the report.End-User Impact
If you do not add any images to the report, a warning message will appear. If you want to add images, click the blue ADD IMAGES button. If you do not want to add images, click the FINALIZE button.
Assign to Me (Inbox)
A pathologist in the virtual lab can easily assign a test to themselves by clicking on the ASSIGN TO ME button. This will assign the test to the pathologist currently logged in and will send it to the Assigned to Me Inbox. The pathologist can still unassign the test if they wish.
End-User Impact
Pathologists can click on the ASSIGN TO ME button next to the test they wish to review to quickly assign the test to themselves. To unassign the test, the user can click their name and then click the Unassign link in the dropdown. This new feature will only affect pathologists and not other users.
Lab Admin Role
A pathologist in the virtual lab can now create other pathologist accounts if they have a Clinic Admin role. This will allow a pathologist to reassign a test to a different pathologist as well.
End-User Impact
Pathologists with a Clinic Admin role (along with a pathologist role) can create other pathologist accounts and reassign tests. Pathologists without a Clinic Admin role can only assign or unassign a test to themselves.
Release # 22.38 - 2022-09-23
Sortable Commands Page
The Commands page can now be sorted by category to make the commands and any errors easier to find.End-User Impact
Support users who have access to the Commands page can sort the page by category. All categories but the status and actions columns can be sorted.
Release # 22.36 - 2022-09-09
Scan Dialogue Window (Inbox)
The Scan Dialogue window for all sample types now has the additional information section and scanning side by side.End-User Impact
This allows the user to see all of the information within the Scan Dialogue window. The window will function the same as before.
Release # 22.34 - 2022-08-26
Error Message (Inbox)
Support users will see an error symbol () for a test within the Inbox. The symbol will tell the support user what error caused the test to stop.End-User Impact
Support users can hover over the error symbol () to see the details about the error.
Release # 22.32 - 2022-08-12
Reformatted Sidebar (Images View)
Depending on your company settings, the Sidebar within the Images View may be formatted differently with larger spacing and font size.End-User Impact
The Sidebar will function the same way; it will just look slightly different.
Release # 22.25.7 - 2022-07-15
New Add Test Dialogue Window (Inbox)
The new Add Test dialogue window reorders the inputs so that a user selects which test they are going to run first and then fills in the other necessary information depending on the test type.End-User Impact
The user will have to input the test type first, instead of last.
FOV Warning Message (Slide View)
Users can no longer classify images when the magnification is not greater than 10x.End-User Impact
When they attempt to do so, a warning message will appear indicating they need to zoom in to a higher magnification before classifying objects.
Help Icon Moved to Toolbar
Placing the Slide View Help icon on the toolbar makes it easier for users to find contextual help for all the tools that can be used within the Slide View.End-User Impact
The Slide View Help icon can be found in the toolbar.
Release # 22.25.6 - 2022-07-01
Floating Toolbar and Preset Magnification
The Slide View’s toolbar is now a floating toolbar, opening up more space to examine the slide. Preset magnifications have also been added to the toolbar to help users zoom to specific levels.End-User Impact
This will be the default toolbar within the Slide View. If your company would like to use the old style of toolbar, please contact your company admin about disabling this feature.
For more information about the toolbar, please see the Slide View page.
Moveable/Collapsible Report Builder
The Report Builder now appears in the upper left-hand corner of the Slide View. The Report Builder is smaller and is movable across the screen with a collapsible window to view images within the builder.End-User Impact
Pathologists reviewing cytology slides will see this new Report Builder with this release. All of the functionality is the same, just within a smaller window. The pathologist will select images in the Images View to include in the report, which will then display within the Report Builder in the collapsible window.