Slide View: Add a Temporary FOV Box for AI Urine

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

Vet Urine clinic users can now create temporary boxes of 40X FOVs.

  • Creation Limit: Users can now create up to 10 temporary boxes.
  • Visibility Control: If a test is submitted for the Add-On Expert Review, temporary boxes will not be displayed or appear in Gallery View.
  • Automatic Removal: Boxes will automatically disappear when a user navigates away from the test or when the page is refreshed.

To create an FOV Box:

  1. Select 40X FOV in the Sidebar by clicking on the cell.
  2. Press and hold “Opt” (MacOS) or “Alt“ (Windows) while moving around the slide with the box.
  3. Add additional boxes by selecting an area to place a box and then left-click while pressing “Opt” (MacOS) or "Alt" (Windows).

Additional Help

See also: Slide View, Slide View: Page Features, Slide View: Classification Listings, Slide View: Image Capture, and Slide View: Edit an Image Capture.

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Slide View: Edit an Image Capture

Slide View: AI Urine Classification Listings
