Inbox: Scanning an AI Urine Sediment Test

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

To scan an AI urine sediment test from within VETSCAN IMAGYST:

  1. When the Inbox loads, click on the blue SCAN button for the test sample you wish to scan.

    IMPORTANT: Prior to initiating a scan from within VETSCAN IMAGYST, you should have already prepared the slide for scanning. From more information, visit the Add an AI Urine Sediment Test, Coverslip Placement, and Placing a Slide on the Grundium Guides within the Additional Guides section of the documentation.
  2. When the Scan dialogue window opens, enter any missing information as necessary.
  3. Choose a scanner from the Scanner dropdown menu and make sure the scanner’s Status shows a green Online indicator.

    IMPORTANT: If the green Online indicator is not visible, you will need to check the scanner.
  4. Click on the OPEN TRAY button.
  5. Move to the Grundium Ocus scanner. When the tray on the selected scanner opens, unlock the slide locking mechanism, place the slide on the glass stage, and then lock the slide in place.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you are placing the slide within the Grundium scanner you have chosen to use.
  6. Return to the VETSCAN IMAGYST. Click on the blue SCAN SLIDE button.
  7. You have completed the slide-scanning process.

What happens next?

Once you have completed the slide-scanning steps above, the VETSCAN IMAGYST will upload and analyze the slide. While it is processing the slide, you will see the following statuses appear to the right of the test sample you scanned:

  • Analyzing: The slide is currently being analyzed by VETSCAN IMAGYST.
  • Error: An error occurred while scanning or analyzing the slide. You should rescan the slide. If the error persists, contact technical support.
  • Review: An orange REVIEW button indicates that VETSCAN IMAGYST has completed the analysis and generated a report for your review.
  • Reviewed: Someone has clicked on the Finalized icon in the Assessment panel. Clicking on this icon changes a scan’s status from Review to Reviewed.

When a test sample has the Reviewed status, the test is complete.

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