Grundium: Turning the Grundium Scanner On and Off

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

Turning-on the scanner on

To turn on the scanner, press the power button located on the neck of the scanner. The power button blinks red. Once the scanner is turned on and ready to use, the power button’s status is a steady green light.

Grundium power button

Turning-off the scanner

To turn off the scanner, press the power button located on the neck of the scanner. The power button blinks red. Once the scanner is turned off completely, the power button’s status is a breathing green light.

IMPORTANT: Before you turn off the scanner, remove the slide from the stage before starting the shutdown process.

IMPORTANT: To prevent damaging the scanner, always turn off the scanner by pressing the power button as described above.

IMPORTANT: Do not disconnect the power cable without first shutting down the scanner. A sudden power loss can corrupt the scanner’s internal data storage and potentially lead to data loss or a scanner becoming unusable.

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