My Profile

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

The My Profile page displays the user information for the user who is currently signed in to VETSCAN IMAGYST. To view your user profile:

  1. Click on the Main Menu ().
  2. Click on the Profile link.

Additional Help

For additional help with the My Profile page, view the My Profile: Edit the Profile (User Profile) page.

My Profile Page

The My Profile page is a user’s personal information, permissions, notification settings, and password reset ability.

Element Description
Edit profile icon edit Click on the Edit Profile icon to edit your name, email, and language.
First and Last Name The first and last name of the current user.
Email The contact email for the current user.

IMPORTANT: A user’s email address, as listed in his profile, is his username.
Language The language preference for the current user. By clicking on the current language selection, a drop-down menu appears with all available options.
Signature block The name and credentials that will appear at the bottom of a pathologist-diagnosed report.
Last Login The last time the current user logged into the VETSCAN IMAGYST platform.
Roles The current role, and permissions, granted to the current user. For more information, view the My Profile: Roles and Permissions page.
Notification Settings Click on either checkbox to enable the notification. For more information, view the My Profile: Notifications page.
Change Password Button Allows a user to change his password.

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My Profile: Edit the User Profile
