Grundium: Power Button Status Light

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

The Grundium scanner’s power button, located on the scanner's neck, displays its current status.

Grundium power button status light

Power Button Status



Green breathing

Scanner is switched off. Power cable is connected.

Green steady

Scanner is in Idle mode and connected to the Internet with remote/router access.

Green blinking

Scanner is in live view mode, scanning, or exporting.

Yellow steady

Scanner is in Idle mode and connected to the Internet without remote/router access.

Yellow blinking

Scanner is starting up or shutting down.

Yellow rapid blinking

Scanner is performing file system checks to the integrated hard drive.

Red steady

Scanner is in an error state.

Red blinking

Scanner is switched on and has no connection to the Internet.

Blue steady

Scanner’s WLAN access point is on.

Purple steady

Scanner is unregistered and has access to the Internet.

Purple blinking

Scanner is unregistered and does not have access to the internet.

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Grundium: Keeping the Scanner Software Up To Date

Grundium: Turning the Grundium Scanner On and Off
