My Profile: Signature Block

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

The Signature Block allows a user with the Pathologist role to add a signature, including the user’s name and credentials, to the bottom of a report that they have completed within the VETSCAN IMAGYST platform.

To view the Signature Block:

  1. Click on the main menu ().
  2. Click on the My Profile link.
  3. When the My Profile page opens, the Signature Block section is part of the first section of personal information, right beneath the Language selection.

Adding or Editing the Signature Block

To add or edit the signature block:

  1. Click on the main menu ().
  2. Click the My Profile link.
  3. When the My Profile page opens, click on the Edit icon () for the first section.
  4. In the Signature Block field, add your first name, last name, and any credentials you wish to appear.
  5. When finished, click on the DONE link.

IMPORTANT: If you exit the page without clicking on the DONE link, your changes will not be saved.

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My Profile: Edit the User Profile

My Profile: Roles and Permissions
