Company Information: Edit the Company Profile

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

To view a company’s profile:

  1. Log in as an admin.
  2. Click on the main menu ().
  3. Click on the Company Info link.

Edit your Company Information

To edit the company information:

  1. Click on the Main Menu ().
  2. Click on the Profile link.
  3. Click on the Edit Profile icon ().
  4. Click directly on the text information you wish to change.
  5. Click on the SAVE button.

To add a logo:

  1. Click on the Main Menu ().
  2. Click on the Profile link.
  3. Click on the Edit Profile icon ().
  4. When the Company Info page loads, scroll down to the Branding section.
  5. Click on the Edit icon ().
  6. Click on the Upload link.
  7. When the file selection window opens, choose the correct file to upload and click on the OPEN button in the lower right-hand corner of the window.

    IMPORTANT: A logo cannot be larger than 48px high and 220px wide, with a maximum file size of 2MB. Furthermore, you must use the .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, or .JFIF file formats.
  8. Click on the DONE button.

Add a VRL ID Configuration

To add a VRL ID:

  1. You must have permissions to use this feature.
  2. Click on the Main Menu ().
  3. Click on the company for which you want to enter the VRL ID.
  4. Click on the Edit icon ().
  5. Scroll down to the VRL Configuration section.
  6. Enter the ID number and name of the reference lab you want to add.

    IMPORTANT: A blank VRL Configuration by default sends all tests to the Zoetis Virtual Lab (ID: 485).
  7. Choose which lab you want to make your preferred lab.
  8. Click the SAVE button.

IMPORTANT: If you exit the page without saving the changes, the VRL Override ID will not be set.

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Company Information
