Inbox: Add a New Dermatology Test

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

If your clinic’s PIMS is connected to VETSCAN IMAGYST via a FUSE, any new test orders created within the PIMS automatically appear within the VETSCAN IMAGYST application. Find your test order and click the blue SCAN button to complete the AI Dermatology test.

If your clinic is not connected to VETSCAN IMAGYST, you can create a dermatology test order manually.

To manually create a test:

  1. Click on the Main Menu ().
  2. Click on the Inbox link.
  3. Click on the Add Test icon () next to the Inbox title.
  4. When the Add Test window opens:
    1. From the Test Type dropdown, choose “AI Dermatology
    2. Enter the Patient ID
    3. Enter the Name of the animal (Optional)
    4. When the Species input appears, choose either Canine or Feline from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click on the blue Scan button to open the scan dialogue window or the blue Create button to return to the Inbox first. For more information about the scan dialogue window, see the Dermatology Scanning page.

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