Grundium: Cleaning the scanner

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

Routine cleaning

  1. Switch off the scanner.
  2. Remove the power cable and the network cable from the scanner.
  3. Slide the topmost plate to the front and carefully remove the cover plate by pushing, for example, the tip of a pen into the small hole under the right edge of the cover plate. Note: when removing the cover plate, be careful not to damage any optics in the scanner.
  4. Wipe all surfaces with a soft, damp, lint-free cloth. You can use a microscope detergent, for example, Reagena, which consists of Propan-2-ol and ammonia. (The Ocus® scanner has been tested with the Reagena microscope detergent.)
  5. Replace the cover plate.
  6. Slide the topmost plate back to its normal position.
  7. Connect the cables and switch the scanner on. Verify with a known sample slide that
    1. The overview camera produces good quality
    2. live view from microscope camera produces good quality
    3. scanning of a known sample slide produces good quality

Cleaning the objective

Should the objective become dirty as a result of having fecal sample material on it, do the following to clean it:

  1. Turn off the scanner.
  2. Remove the power cable and the network cable from the scanner.
  3. Place a protective cloth on the glass beneath the objective.
  4. You can first try to clean the objective in place, using a microfiber cloth. If necessary, try adding warm distilled water to the cloth.

    IMPORTANT: Never pour or spray any liquids directly on the scanner.
  5. If the objective does not come clean, carefully unscrew it.
  6. Use the microfiber cloth and warm distilled water to clean the lens.
    1. IMPORTANT: To clean immersion oil from the lens, use warm distilled water, IPA or microscopic cleaning fluid. Use IsoPropyl Alcohol sparingly. For further help, contact Zoetis support.
    2. IMPORTANT: Using Acetone or Xylene to clean the lens may damage it; However, if the lens is covered with glue/adhesive, cleaning the lens may require using stronger cleaners.
  7. Use a blower to remove any dust from the lens and scanner.
  8. Replace the objective by screwing it back in place.

    IMPORTANT: Do not forcefully screw the objective back onto the scanner.
  9. Remove the cloth covering the glass, replace the power cable, replace the network cable, and turn the scanner on.
  10. Check the scanner by running a test scan.

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