Slide View: AI Urine Classification Listings

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

The classification listings display the number of classifications applied to an image capture on a slide. They consist of the individual classifications and the count.




The different classifications that have been applied to at least one image capture.

Classifications Count

The Count indicates the number of a particular organism found on a specific Z level (fecal slides have 2 Z levels). Use the Z Level Up and Z Level Down controls to switch between Z levels.

The Total indicates the total from all Z levels of a particular organism that was found.


(Visible when hovering over a classification in the sidebar)

Count per FOV

Shows deeper granularity by viewing the count per Field of View.

Found FOVs

Displays how many distinct FOVs are represented.

Total Count

The total count associated with the data in each cell. This is the total count of all of the objects an algorithm has found.

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