Order Entry: Scanning a Cytology Slide

Shannon  Mitchell Updated by Shannon Mitchell

Add a Scan

Once you have created site cards in the Sample Details of a Cytology test, you can add up to 2 scans to each site card with a total of 4 scans per test. To scan a cytology slide from within VETSCAN IMAGYST:

Add a Slide to the Scanner

  1. Click on the orange ADD A SCAN button or the blue SCANS button on the Site Card for the sample you wish to scan.

    IMPORTANT: Prior to initiating a scan from within VETSCAN IMAGYST, you should have already prepared the slide for scanning.
  2. When the scan dialogue window opens, choose a scanner from the Select Scanner dropdown menu and make sure the scanner’s Status shows a green Available indicator.

    IMPORTANT: If the status is Busy or Offline, you will need to select a different scanner.
  3. Click the blue OPEN TRAY button.
  4. Move to the Grundium Ocus scanner. When the tray on the selected scanner opens, unlock the slide locking mechanism, place the slide on the glass stage, and then lock the slide in place.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you are placing the slide within the Grundium scanner you have chosen to use. Make sure the label is to the right side of the stage, and that the slide is lying flat on the stage.
  5. Using the locking mechanism, lock the slide in place.
  6. Return to VETSCAN IMAGYST and click on the blue PREVIEW button.
  7. Once the preview appears, review the suggested scan-area mask and the Estimated Scan Time.
  8. If the suggested scan-area mask is acceptable, click on the blue CONTINUE button. If you wish to adjust the mask, use the scan-area mask tools to add to, edit, or delete the existing mask. Once the scan-area mask and scan time are acceptable, click the blue CONTINUE button.
  9. You have completed the slide-scanning process.

IMPORTANT: While the slide is being scanned, you can close the Scanning Dialogue box and continue to work within VETSCAN IMAGYST. When the scan is complete, the digitized slide will appear in the dialogue window.

IMPORTANT: Once you begin to scan a slide, a new Add a Scan area will appear at the bottom of the Scan window. To add an additional scan, follow the procedure outlined above, but in the new Add a Scan section. You may scan a total of 4 slides for each test order.

Delete Scans

If you wish to delete a scan:

  1. Click on the blue SCANS button on the appropriate Site Card.
  2. Click on the Delete Scan button () to the right of the scan you want to delete.

IMPORTANT: Once the scan is deleted, it cannot be undone.

Cancel a Scan

To cancel a scan while the scan is in progress, click the Delete Scan button () to the right of the scan you want to cancel.

IMPORTANT: This will not only cancel the scan, but delete the scan from the site as well.

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