Grundium Troubleshooting Guide

Riley Cole Updated by Riley Cole

Damaged Shipping Container or Damaged Scanner

If you receive your scanner in damaged container or have any problems with the scanner contact your Zoetis representative.

If the scanner is not working properly, try the following:

  1. Check on the scanner. If the scanner is off--there is no status light indicator of any color--check the power cord and make sure it is firmly connected to the scanner, the transformer, and the outlet. Although a cord may appear to be firmly in place, manually check that it is.

    Turn on the scanner by pressing the power button located on the neck of the scanner. The power button will blink red and eventually display a steady green light indicating that it is ready to use.

    Return to VETSCAN IMAGYST and confirm that the scanner is online/green.
  2. Check on the scanner. If the scanner displays a green breathing light, press the power button located on the neck of the scanner. The power button will blink red and eventually display a steady green light indicating that it is ready to use .

    Return to VETSCAN IMAGYST and confirm that the scanner is online/green.
  3. Check on the scanner. If the scanner is on--the status light is a steady green light--check to make sure the scanner you chose within VETSCAN IMAGYST and the scanner you are currently evaluating are the same scanner.

    If you determine the scanners are the same scanner, press the power button located on the neck of the scanner. The power button will blink red and eventually display a green breathing light, indicating the scanner has been turned off.

    IMPORTANT: Do not disconnect the power cord without first shutting down the scanner. A sudden power loss can corrupt the scanner’s internal data storage and potentially lead to data loss or a scanner becoming unusable.

    Once the scanner is off, turn it back on by pressing the power button located on the neck of the scanner. The power button will blink red and eventually display a steady green light indicating that it is ready to use.

    Return to VETSCAN IMAGYST and confirm that the scanner is online/green .
  4. If you have attempted to cycle the power as described above, and are still experiencing problems, you may need to completely unplug the scanner.

    First, turn off the scanner. To turn off the scanner, press the power button located on the neck of the scanner. The power button will blink red and eventually display a green breathing light, indicating the scanner has been turned off.

    IMPORTANT: Do not disconnect the power cord without first shutting down the scanner. A sudden power loss can corrupt the scanner’s internal data storage and potentially lead to data loss or a scanner becoming unusable.

    When the scanner is off--displaying the green breathing light--remove the power cord from the scanner. Wait 20 seconds and then plug the cord back into the scanner.

    Press the power button located on the neck of the scanner. The power button will blink red and eventually display a steady green light indicating that it is ready to use.

    Return to VETSCAN IMAGYST and confirm that the scanner is online/green.
  5. Make sure that the outlet is working.
  6. If you have attempted all of the troubleshooting suggestions above and are still experiencing problems, contact customer support.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

Additionally, one of the following may occur:

Yellow Status Light: Remote access has been disabled

If you check on the scanner, and the status light is yellow, remote access to the scanner has been disabled. If the network you use has a firewall, make sure that the scanner is allowed to use the outgoing connection to the Internet:

  • TCP ports 80 & 443 for use within the same network
  • TCP port 471 for use from the remote network (required).

If the firewall uses a MAC filter, you can find the MAC address of the scanner on the label at the bottom of the scanner. Also, traffic between devices in the network must be allowed.

If you are still experiencing problems, contact customer support for additional assistance.

Blinking Light Blue Status Light: Update in progress

If you check on the scanner, and the status light is blinking light blue, the scanner is currently updating its internal software. Do not touch the power button. The scanner should complete the software update soon and reboot itself.

If the scanner is not operational within one hour, contact customer support.

Blue Status Light: Internet connectivity issue

If you check on the scanner and the status light is blue, there is an internet-connectivity issue. Manually check the network cable to ensure that it is firmly connected to the scanner.

If the problem persists, test the cable itself and the Internet connection to the office space. If the network cable does provide Internet access, but the status light remains blue, contact customer support.

Insufficient fiducial count

Errors for Grundium scans with insufficient fiducial counts will appear in less than a minute.

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